The following commands create a tmux environment with specific windows and panes.


By way of demonstration, my environment will create a window for music, and a second window, split in two panes, for podcasts. I use cmus for music, and the command line version of vlc for podcasts.


First, check if the session exists already

tmux has-session -t Audiophile

If not, then execute something; otherwise exit and (probably) attach the session.

if [ $? != 0 ]
 <execute something>

The first command creates a new session called ‘Audiophile’, and immediately names the only existing window as ‘Music’.

 tmux new-session -s Audiophile -n Music -d

In the same session/window (since there is only one), call cmus, and divide the screen. The size of the split is defined to 70 lines. Once divided, return the selection to the main screen.

 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile 'cmus' C-m
 tmux split-window -v -p 70 -t Audiophile
 tmux select-layout -t Audiophile main-vertical

Without moving the selection of pane, go to a specific folder in the smaller one.

 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:1.2 'cd <some-folder>; clear' C-m

Now create a new window named ‘Podcasts’.

 tmux new-window -n Podcasts -t Audiophile

Likewise the first window, create a second pane, go the podcast folder, and display its content. In the main pane, call podui, which is an alias for the command line version of vlc.

podui=‘/Applications/ –intf ncurses .’

tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:2 'cd <pod-folder>; clear; ls -lh' C-m
tmux split-window -v -t Audiophile:2
tmux select-layout -t Audiophile:2 main-horizontal
tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:2.2 'podui' C-m

Once the second window is made, return to the first window and attach to the session. This will exit the script.

tmux select-window -t Audiophile:1
tmux attach -t Audiophile

As aforementioned, the else section of the condition will immediately attach to the session.

tmux attach -t Audiophile


tmux has-session -t Audiophile
if [ $? != 0 ]
 tmux new-session -s Audiophile -n Music -d
 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile 'cmus' C-m
 tmux split-window -v -p 70 -t Audiophile
 tmux select-layout -t Audiophile main-vertical
 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:1.2 'cd <some-folder>; clear' C-m
 tmux new-window -n Podcasts -t Audiophile
 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:2 'cd <pod-folder>; clear; ls -lh' C-m
 tmux split-window -v -t Audiophile:2
 tmux select-layout -t Audiophile:2 main-horizontal
 tmux send-keys -t Audiophile:2.2 'podui' C-m
 tmux select-window -t Audiophile:1
 tmux attach -t Audiophile
tmux attach -t Audiophile

The script might be called from an alias in a new terminal session (outside tmux). For example:

$: tmxenv


 tmxenv='sh <folder-with-script>/tmux_env_maker'