Let’s just have a good time. That blue is so strong, it’ll eat up your whole world in a heartbeat. Maybe we’ll do some almighty mountains today. Give him some arms – a tree needs some arms. Oh dear, here comes a tree! You don’t have to work at it hardly at all. You learn to take advantage of whatever happens and use it to make your painting special.

As usual, Bob’s gonna do a big tree. That’s the most fun of all. Don’t just throw it up there and think that a cloud will appear. Just a nice little mountain, a little friendly guy. Help them make a happy buck or two. See how far away that looks already? Let’s build a happy little cloud in the sky.

Keep this brush moving all the time. Art is an expression of self. They are very special. Take care of those! Give it a lift-upper. You decide – you have to make these big decisions. You can create any illusion that you can conceive in your mind. Drop in a fantastic, big ol’ mountain.

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